~ 𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 ~   Leave a comment

‘Ignorance and Arrogance beget Ignorance and Arrogance’

Generation after generation, the apathetic rich and thus powerful have used every new fairy-tale, tool and technology to keep the general masses in a deliriously contented and condoning state of oppression.

If there is to be any  hope for your children’s future, grandchildren’s future etc., y’all are going to need an altogether and completely different way of being. 

Enjoy peace

Image by ~ Steve Cutts

~ Morning Ritual ~   Leave a comment

Education, Memorize and Reegurgitate

Any base-ball player would tell ya that if you wants to hit a home run, you put all ‘a your energy to the small end of the bat.

I was thinking just this morn (not surprisingly, as I often have this thought) that, afore any other ritual at start of school daze, and on global basis, kiddies from kiddergarbage on should be encouraged to recite something akin to the following …

I am a Child born of and to this Earth, Begot from the Nation of Mankind.

I owe no allegiance to any particular group, nor particular clump of dirt aside this little rock island in the sky, everything within it, on it, and beyond it.

Enjoy Peace

There is room for improvement within this wreckage of what so many fondly consider and refer to be an “Education” system.

earth 4 copy


~ Strangers Among Us?? (UFO disclosure, Mexican Air Force) ~   Leave a comment

FourTwenty 420

I am a Child of this Earth, begot from the Nation of Humankind.

Welcome to our home.

Believe in extra-terrestrials, don’t believe in extra-terrestrials?? However and regardless, would it not be prudent to entertain some level of curiosity?? Does believing in Gawd, in whatever form one chooses to identify with this supposed entity, negate import of such curiosity??

UFO disclosure, Mexican Air Force

full article: http://21stcenturywire.com/2013/12/26/mexican-government-releases-extraterrestrial-proof-from-past-and-present/

Excerpt from video (UFO disclosure, Mexican Air Force);

“Disclosure is at hand. It is very close, and the American people need to prepare themselves, very soon, for announcement from our Government that there is in fact extraterrestrial presence engaging this planet and the human race.”

A couple observations;

a) “the American people need to prepare themselves” ~ Thankfully, no one else round this little rock island in the sky need concern theyselves. Yippee ki-yay Mother Phuckers!!

* phewwww … *

I so do tire of this pompous patriotic attitude. What?? You thought I’d have something more enlightening to say??

b) “engaging this planet and the human race.” ~ Makes one wonder, just how limited is a military officer’s vocabulary?? Alternately, just how limited is the public’s understanding of vocabulary used by military officers??


A versatile enough word meaning hire, require, involve, attract, reserve, interlock and of course, definition number 5)

“5)  vti MILITARY fight somebody: to fight or begin a battle with an enemy.”

c)Then too, and standing by it’s own self and merit, there is the definition of “engaging”.


“charming: charming or pleasing in a way that attracts and holds the attention”

Would disclosure of UFOs be presented as something we should fear, or something we should welcome??

In consideration of UFOs in the broadest of scopes, the totality of time and space, to and through that which we perceive to be infinity, the kestions one may ponder are limitless. Least of which, how would our Gooberments welcome these wayward travelers?? Should we be inviting, or should we shoot first, ask questions later?? Given obvious technological advance of these travelers, would there be any sense at all in taking up an offensive/defensive posture?? Mayhap we’d be just as well off to invite ‘em to the shindig, and fire up the jukebox?? What (if any) is they’re past, current and future role in and of our physical/social evolution?? The list of kestions cascades on …


The universe is a big place, and I for one will not discount the presence of others.

Unknown terrestrials. Who was it said, “A stranger is someone you haven’t yet met”??

Enjoy Peace …


~ Wasted Moments ~   2 comments

No Public Restrooms

Once in a while, we ALL are able to find out the obvious truth when it washes up on shore.




~Spanish sperm whale death linked to UK supermarket supplier’s plastic~

Excerpt ~ “In all, the whale’s stomach contained two dozen pieces of transparent plastic, some plastic bags, nine metres of rope, two stretches of hosepipe, two small flower pots and a plastic spray canister.

Later that day, I runs into this, yet another alleged atrocity of Man …

Danged shame there’s no one to defend us. I hear the judge ain’t too forgiving.

Jaw-dropping animated video on overfishing… It’s time for change!

So yeah, overfishing?? I spose. If ya taking into account the fishes actual populations, and our insatiable lust to kill for purpose other than for food consumption?? Sure, overfishing seems somewhat an understatement, I spose.

Now, if ya lookin at the two a they items, do a little overlay, and if’n yer at all inquisitive, ya might just come up with a kestion or two. 

First kestion I would pose, how many smaller fishes, Bluefin Tuna for an apropos eggzample, die of same fate as that of the whale what washed up in Spain?? Hades Man!! Any fisherman could attest fact that fishes just love ta eat junk, garbage, man-made waste. After all, what is a lure?? Is it biodegradable, is it digestible?? If the line breaks, is the fish going to survive?? If I’m cruising along in me bass boat with exhaust puking out into the water behind of me, and I toss the lid overboard from one ’a they bottled waters … Would an hungry passer-by fish eat it?? 


Okay, so that makes for a grouping of five kestions. Six if’n ya counts the double kestion so skilfully tucked in there. Oh, and yeah … Please do excuse any indiscretion.

Second kestion; After a bit ‘a more thought, of course …

So, here’s where the overlay comes in. Lawrd Tunderin Geezus, Man!! Look at the waste we put into the environment in whole, Land, Sky, and of course, Sea. Coastal cities used ta float they’s household and industrial trash out to sea in great huge barges, dump it, and that was the way of keeping the immediate environment clean while demonstrating complete and total apathy for anything beyond eyesight. Take a breath … Same as it is now. We puts the garbage to the street, the trash mashin machine crewed with enthusiastic trash grabbers comes along, it’s bin dealt with. We feel pretty danged good about ourselves for not forgetting garbage day. Aye, it’s nice ta get the garbage gone afore it starts ta stink.

And, when is the only time ya hears about the environmental impact of a landfill sight?? Oh, look, it’s another kestion. I’ll tell ya when!! When there’s proposal to build a bigger newer, emptier landfill site in a neighbourhood near YOU!!!! Yeah, that’s when the stink hits the fan, ain’t it.

Back ta sea, Billy … 

Nuclear waste such as we’re now seeing from Fukushima, Ungawdly oil spills from here ta Fracking there, Chemical waste of all sort in abundance and by the barrel, trawling nets lost at sea, any and all forms of solid waste such as which we commoners couldn’t even fathom, right down to the cigarette butt flicked overboard moments after the water bottle cap. You name it, it’s in there!!!.

So then I asks, If – please do take note, it is a Big  “IF” – If ignorance and arrogance passed from one generation to next had instead been education, if mankind had from the get-go realized benefit of clean environment – coming back to specifically the seas – if the fishes had a clean environment free from refuse of mankind’s excess and careless catastrophic events, would it even be possible to overfish the oceans??

Breath … 

Here, and I’ll leave ya’s with a couple ‘a short videos to consider. A little “lite” entertainment, as it were …

“This, is the legacy we are leaving to future generations.”

Feeding the fishes and birdies

All right, so … I’m havin way to much fun, laughin too hard, and I’m hungry. I’m away to get dinner on.

Enjoy Peace.


flasher and laughin lady


~ Lest We Forget?? ~   2 comments


da Bunker, Banner Inukshuk(5x7) copy


Remembrance Day?? Remember, what??

Shall I remember that from the dawn of civilization, every warrior (man, woman or child) to ever step into the arena of battle, man pitted agin man, drawing blood from or having blood drawn by brothers/sisters, did so to the behest of a quite minority few ruling class type of folk with power of wealth, shield of deception and wielding sword of corruption??

Shall I remember that we the Human specie, self assumed to be the most intelligent indigenous life form on this little rock island in the sky, have chosen war over birth control as measure of population control??

Shall I remember that war is not fought for peace, but rather a bid for enslavement of the peoples and access to worldly resource to quench the thirst of ruling class greed??

And now, shall I remember that through indoctrination and mainstream media, the belief that this day, November 11, has bin chosen and entrenched into our psyche as the day to wear a red poppy in remembrance of (our) fallen brothers and sisters, and that they who choose to wear a white poppy in support of peace do well deserve being shamed, shunned and biatch slapped??

WWII … The war to end all war. It didn’t work, although yes, probly a danged handy thang that Hitler’s pipe dream of global conquest and ideology did come to fall.

Indeed, it’d be nigh impossible to not give thought toward bent and fallen soldiers, loss to families and friends, to the innocent civilian contingent worldwide who‘ve lost limbs and lives billed as nothing more than “collateral damage“ for whom there is no cenotaph.

For me, it’s a quick race through time giving thought to all warriors and innocent civilian casualties from the Crusades through present day. The all of them, and from all sides. I see the all of them as victims as opposed to heroes as depicted and presented through indoctrination, mainstream media and near every meme what comes acrost the board.

Patriotism abound tward this contrived country, tward that contrived country, tward ta’other contrived country. At what point do the greatest of peoples living on this earth begin to show patriotism tward that which is genuine, to the Earth and the Nation of Mankind??

Shall we wait until it’s too late??

lset we forget 


What colour poppy best represents patriotism to this planet Earth and the Nation of Mankind??

Deus Vult

Enjoy Peace



Posted November 11, 2013 by Archie ~Grumps~ in ~ Dark Side Blobs ~, ~ Social comentary ~

~ The Jury’s Out ~ book by Andre Power   1 comment

Education, Memorize and Reegurgitate


“This is the major flaw in our supposedly “public” services. They are patently not transparent. We who fund such have no say whatsoever. Freedom of Information requests are exempted or glossed over in many instances. There are no public enquiries, no involvement in policy agendas by taxpayers who pay their bloated salaries, pensions, health insurances, legal costs, “expenses”, credit cards and more frequently their huge redundancy payments. When added to a legal system that patently fails to support any private litigation against public sector bodies whilst completely supporting the abrogation of our human rights in such cases, notably the right to a fair trial, we are left to lick our wounds and return to the economic slavery thereby enforced upon us to pay for this parasitical social injustice.”

Someone, Please do tell .. Why am I settin here laughin like an idiot after reading that passage??

This could apply to public services anywhere, in any country, at any Goober-mental level at any time, and could also be extended in context to we wee peons chances in court taking on corporate law.

There is no such thang as … Justice??

Was that a question, or an answer?? Mayhap a bit ‘a both?? I’m just not sure. Anyone who’s had they’s day of dealing with public services, be it some long drawn out game ’a phone tag, or through some legal process culminating in court appearance, y’all know that feeling, that sense of (be)ing small.

Andre Power, a good lad, an intellect and friend of cyber-sort.

I’m giving a plug for his book just released, THE JURY’S OUT, By Andre Power.

I will say this … If you consider yourself a Student by any measure, young or seasoned, you’d be remiss to not at least download, and check out the first chapter. Oh, I know how ta get ya’s attention. Just like the Big Boys does it.


Ok, enough ‘a that shyte. I’m well into it now, and given still laughin like a stupidiot of that passage, I’d have to say, enjoying it.

Oh gawd, such sense of humour one can by times have.

As prologue, I believe no one could say it better than Andre his own self …

Enjoy Peace … 


“This book was written not just in light of my own difficult experiences of the past decade, but also to highlight the perilous state of our public services and institutions. It also seeks to address the takeover of our "justice" system by vested interests, supported by an ever more supine and corrupt collective of judges and law lords, who have abrogated all responsibility to uphold the law in favour of their political and establishment interests and corporate paymasters. Never has a poor man or woman been so vulnerable and defenceless against a remorseless and unyielding government machine that brooks no dissent, no challenge and no explanation of its all too often twisted and subverted public services, least of all by the people who fund them.”



       The Jury’s Out ~ by Andre Power.













Posted November 5, 2013 by Archie ~Grumps~ in ~ Dark Side Blobs ~, ~ Social Studies ~

~ Riding Season Is On, 2012 ~   3 comments


I’m cruising westbound through dusk along #3hwy comin into Wallacetown, speed limit ‘a 60k, so I kicks it down a cog. I’m headin North from here to Dutton on Curie Rd., kick it through ta second and lean into the corner, swing on the throttle a wee bit coming off the turn with a comfortably contented smile on me face. Some might say more of an impish evil grin.

Easing that short bit through town till near onto the 80kph zone when again, swingin from the throttle, this time a tad more monkeyish. Feeling the acceleration, spank it into the big onion enjoying the feel ‘a my azz pushed easily into the crease ‘a the saddle. There is a moment with that sheepish grin still garnishing my kisser, when does come the realisation that the very tone of the engine seems to sound a bit … well … a tad high for an 80k zone.

With certainty, and with naught need to look down to the speed meter, I KNOW that I am in violation of the Law-Dawg’s Law. I look anyways, with a Chortle. A wee calm afore the storm, then full on, in yer face sinister laughter of the outlaw on the lamb. Swingin from the throttle still, a little faster yet jest fer shizz ‘n giggles, then slowly coming down to that comfortable speed. Hold it there, listen … Listen closely to the tone of the engine at 95, let it sink indelibly in my minds ear … VIOLA!!!!!    Cruise control, still grinning like an happy idiot.

‘150’ kilometres of this insanity, round trip with an pleasant visit to friends in London on this day, March 7th, 2012

Somebody has got to do it …




Riding Season is On!!!






~ Curriculum – The Right Stuff?? ~   2 comments

“I believe therefore, that education is a process of living and not a preparation for future living”

John Dewey

Straight Blue

The Setting … A holiday dinner at the son in law’s (so’s ta speak) and his gal’s place. A bunch attending from his side, and a bunch from her side as well. One of her brothers is in the Navy, posted and training at HMS Halifax. A Naval training base as much as anything. There is a point while all are set to the table enjoying a little after dinner palavering when the conversation spotlights said Naval Brother, all attention, questions, answers, compliments, and a general feeling of pride all round for his accomplishment.

This goes on for a spell afore I finally interject, as near to verbatim as I recalls. Well, mayhap embellished just a wee little tad for clarity sake:

Meaning no disrespect, and knowing so long as every other country has a military force, is a given there will be a military force in Canada as well. And too, recognizing that the military is one ‘a the greatest employment opportunities all round the globe, but I just can’t help but wonder. That there are young men and women so willing to enlist, to train in armed combat knowing that at any moment one can be sent to war. Sent into the “Arena” to kill other human beings, often without ever seeing these victims. To board a vessel of war with certain knowledge that time can come when you will either kill, or be killed … What’s that say for our Education System on a global basis?? From the cradle to the kill zone, at home and at school!! What curriculum are we teaching our children that they are so willing to sign up for this nature of business??

The table went silent!! A few sheepish grins, Naval Brother included. A bunch of dropped heads, Naval Brother included. A noticeable enough bit of utensil fiddle fidgeting, a few odd looks about the room, then … How Bout Them Yankies?? Not one word!! Not one phricking word from round this table did anyone dare speak on the subject!! 


Nor was there another word spoke of the military!!


The right to bare arms??

The order to bare arms??

Rather antiquated notions, are they not??

Have you anything to say of the matter, or will you too set silent??



Added to categories:

~ The Future is Not Hours ~

~ This Brave New World ~

~ Dark Side Blobs ~

~ Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, 2011 ~   Leave a comment

Christmas 2011_CH


Best Wishes to all for

all good thangs throughout the

Holiday Season …



Posted December 24, 2011 by Archie ~Grumps~ in Uncategorized

~ Zeitgeist – Moving Forward … An Education ~   6 comments

Straight Blue

Category: ~ This Brave New World ~ Part ‘Four’

Just Do It

      T’was about a year, perhaps a year and half ago when I was Introduced to a Movie on the Internet by name of ~ Zeitgeist: The Movie – 2007 ~ written and directed by a fella goes by the handle, Peter Joseph. It’s a two hour gig, and although one ‘a the most informative and educational movies I’ve ever seen, it is not the subject of this Blob. Not to be mistaken, I do recommend you watchin it, just that it’s not a prerequisite to understand this next one …

The subject movie of todays Blob would be …

~ Zeitgeist: Moving Forward ~

“In a Decaying Society, Art, if it is Truthful,

Must Also Reflect Decay.

And Unless it Wants to Break Faith With it’s Social Function,

Art Must Show the World As Changeable,

And Help to Change It.”

Ernst Fischer

     Is awareness enough?? Is awareness without action enough?? The answer to they both questions would have to be a resounding, indisputable, indelible … NO!!!!  Evolution is that which I ask and speak of. In saying this, No, I am not settin here waitin for that often needed third arm ta grow out ‘a my azz. The evolution I speak of is the evolution of mankind’s mindset. Our Social Evolution on a global basis. Evolution of Government such as to see one single “Global Governing Body” with Conviction to simplest of mandate, “For the Good Of All Mankind and our environment”.  Misguided and misplaced patriotism to specific chunks of dirt, to specific races, nationalities and religion is what has landed us in this quagmire we now bask. Patriotism to the Nation of Mankind, Society of Mankind on a Global Basis is about the only thang what’ll get us out of it. A broader sense of awareness, a broader circle of compassion.

That bridge we keep saying we’ll cross when we gets to it?? We’ve long ago gotten to it, and have opted instead of taking the high and dry road, to tread murky foul water with the weight of corruption tied about our ankles. Complacency is a poor choice of floatation devise.

*glug glug glug … * 

“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”

(Albert Einstein, 1954)

Awareness falls somewheres short of a start, and nothing greater than a scratching of the surface.

Could it be that I, with no offspring of my own, could care more about your children than you do?? If in terms of any particular individual child’s welfare on any given day, not bloody likely!!! If in terms of caring for future generations, beyond my lifetime, beyond your lifetime, and of  caring about the preservation of this little rock island in the sky we so lovingly like to call “Planet Earth” … then yes, perhaps. As much as parents love to claim concern for they’s children’s future in this society of needless consumption and waste, please do take a look about at the Fracking mess, the legacy what *WE* leave behind. We can not have our collective heads so deeply entrenched in complacency as to be so unaware. We can not believe that all is well. We can not accept that things are as they should be. We can not be convinced that staying the course is the answer to mankind’s best future interests.

I am appalled that the curriculum of our education systems teach our youth how to survive within the community of mankind such as it is today, as opposed to teaching our children that which is necessary to evolve. That which is necessary to break away from this system of enslavement to the one percent population who head up our global banks, Gooberments, and megalith corporations.

      This movie, ~Zeitgeist: Moving Forward~, is an two and three quarter hour commitment. Fair to say I spose that there is precious little “entertainment” value to it. There be no exhilarating car chases, no nerve curdling blood and guts shoot ’em up scenes, just a little nudge to the grey matter, some education, some speculation, a vision of hope. I wonders why they call it grey matter?? Grey as in blurry minded??  

Worry not that this movie starts out all fuzzy liken as if there’s a problem afoot, on account …

There Most Certainly IS a Problem Afoot!! 

                Of personal note:

      Towards the end of movie, we are presented with a possible model of future communities. It is just that, a model, a jumping off point for discussion and discovery. There are points I agree with, and points which I do not. For example, it suggest that with technology working for us, there would be no real need for people placements. To my way of thinking (and in conjunction with technology), within education, medicine, rehabilitation, veterinarian care, care for the aged, care for the physically and mentally challenged, there would be people placements abound. For instance, Why oh Why should parents of children with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Paralysis, etc be forced to shoulder that yoke, and drag that sled all by theyselves with as precious little assistance as is available within our current communal bliss??

      In a world where ones personal worth is no longer measured by wealth and material accumulation, the abundance of help in these areas alone would be just as staggering as is now the lack thereof. There would be placements for all to contribute within the society of mankind, and in the words of George Bernard Shaw …

A day’s work is a day’s work, neither more nor less, and the man (woman) who does it needs a day’s sustenance, a night’s repose, and due leisure whether he (or she) be painter or ploughman.

      As well, the one other thang what always bothers me bout this nature of educational programing  is the omission of the one other greatest threat to mankind.


      Let’s give some thought now, baring in mind that within a Global Community with one single Global Governing Body, war would become a thing of legend. Other than the blindest of us, it is no secret that war is the single greatest tool driving the money machine. War is designed by the rich bitches at the top ‘a the heap to divide and conquer for profit, to instill fear in minds of public and to keep theyselves at the top. There is also one other end to which war serves. Population Control!!! (short of inviting famine and disease to run rampant throughout the lands due to an overabundance of people)

      Of all we peons “Supposed” inalienable rights, the right to pump out as many offspring as we danged well please as though they are little more than raggedy dolls ranks right up there at the top ‘a the list. In order to maintain a population without war, birth control would also have to be implemented on a global basis. It would take more than just simple education and installation of condome machines in the high school laves. It would take science and technology. There could be no more “ooops!!! How’d that happen??” pregnancies, nor could there be anymore six children “Planned” families.

      The Earth’s resources cannot be replenished. Once we use it up, our species, as well as the very rock island in the sky we call home, are … 


“The Growth of a Nation cannot be Achieved

By Keeping the Downtrodden Down”

~ Turn It Up: Simply Red ~ 

Alex Jones’ Infowars.com is dedicated to alternative investigation & reporting of Corporate, and Gooberment news seldom seen or heard in mainstream media. He may come across as a pompous azz by most time, but he digs in deep, liken to a tick on a dawgs azz.

Infowars Logo

“Unknown to most, we are currently witnessing the final stages of a sinister global agenda being carried out before our eyes”.

The greatest problem of this particular global threat to the general public is that “The Good of All Mankind” is the furthest thing from these few power addicted orchestrator’s minds!!! ..

Another long one, two and half hours beginning with an appropriate, albeit unnecessary scene from the movie “Matrix” afore gettin to the meat and potatoes …

Wake Up Call - The Movie on YouTube

An education is available for you and your Children, you’ve simply to open your eyes, ears, and minds to it.